17 resume tips that will help get you hired

Job hunting is almost never a walk in the park for most of us. Most of the time, it is like a game of survival. The best weapon in your arsenal to become victorious in your job search? A well-crafted resume that charms the shoes off of potential employers!

So, how can you know whether your resume has the desired effect on recruitment professionals? It isn’t quite difficult to figure out. If your resume is as boring as folding a pile of laundry from the last weekend, your chances of getting hired are pretty low.

Did you put your resume together while binge-watching the latest period drama in a trance? Then, your resume is most likely lacking many qualities that would make it an appealing read for a hiring manager. Your resume needs to have the perfect balance of skills, education, and experience that makes hiring managers go, “Wow, I need to meet this person!”

Consider a strong resume a golden ticket to the career of your dreams. You don’t get several shots at landing your dream job. A dull and boring resume would get you thrown out of the competition before you could even say, “Hire me!”

So, how can you turn your resume into a masterpiece that will throw all the other resumes into the shadows? Here’s what our experts have to say on the topic:

  • Avoid unprofessional fonts. This means, you shouldn’t use Comic Sans, no matter how quirky it looks.
  • Double-check the spelling of your name on the resume. You’d be surprised at how many misspelled names we see on resumes on a daily basis.
  • Keywords that align with the job description make a world of difference for your resume. Those will bring up your resume’s ranking on the ATS.
  • Proofread your resume until you feel like you can’t take another round of proofreading. Spelling and grammar mistakes on your resume are never appealing.
  • Feeling tempted to write 3-line bullet points? Just drop the idea and go for the shortest phrasing you can think of.
  • Keep in mind that your resume is not a billboard to display buzzwords that don’t mean anything. Seriously, what does “synergy” even mean?
  • Don’t just understate your achievements on your resume by saying that you “managed sales.” Say that you “increased sales by 50% within 2 weeks.”
  • Use bullet points wherever possible on your resume. Believe us when we say that hiring managers don’t like reading huge paragraphs on resumes.
  • Remove past work experiences that aren’t related to the job. A resume for a marketing manager position doesn’t really require you to mention how you were an amateur dog groomer 10 years ago.
  • Lying on your resume is the worst way to get noticed by a potential employer. It just isn’t worth the chance of losing your dream job.
  • A professional email address is a must for your resume. If you have added something along the lines of [email protected], you better get that off of your resume right now.
  • Consistent formatting on a resume is very attractive to recruiters. Keep your margins uniform and your fonts professional.
  • Keep color to a minimum on your resume. You don’t want an employer to open your resume and be bombarded by a hot pink mess!
  • Action verbs make your resume more interesting. Saying that you were “responsible for sales” is not as impressive as saying that you “initiated and executed novel sales strategies.”
  • Giving back to society is something that every employer admires in a candidate. Mention your volunteer work on your resume proudly.
  • Generic phrases like “team player” or “hard worker” make your resume the dullest read ever. Use descriptive adjectives to add spirit to your resume.
  • If you are adding a headshot to your resume, ensure that it is up to the professional standard of your industry.

By Resume Mansion


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