3 Reasons why you are still stuck in the job you hate in 2020
There are millions of people out there who aren’t happy with their current jobs but they are just doing it for the sake of money. There is nothing more depressing and stressful in the world then to get stuck with a job that makes you unhappy. There comes a time when you just stop and ask yourself that, “Is this why I struggled so hard?”. The hardest part is to figure out whether you should leave your job or not, what will be the consequences if you do so and how will you pay the pending bills or rent of the house etc.
It’s not like you’ve not tried finding another job and it’s clearly very hard to balance all the efforts and the energy just to make a big change in your life especially when you have a lot more responsibilities to take care of.
Now, if you are someone who really wants to quit his job and is looking for some guidance then you are at the right place, reading the right blog. You see in order to fix something; you first need to know why does it exist in the first place and same is the case with you being stuck with the job you hate.
Here are 3 major crippling reasons why you don’t have the guts to quit the job you hate;
1-You don’t know where you want to go
Basically it’s all about not knowing or not being able to identify your goals and your priorities. Anyone who hasn’t yet figured out his life and has no specific aim finds it really hard to move to another job or make a big change in his/her life. On the other hand a lot of people out there are just worried about their money matters, they are just stuck with their job because they get paid and if it wasn’t for money, we are pretty sure that half of the people in the world would’ve left their jobs and pursued their dreams.
2-You aren’t willing to let go of things that keep you busy
No one ever enjoys being bored and you only get bored when you have nothing to do. But a lot of people have taken this concept in a negative way, people are stuck with their jobs just because first, they get paid and second, they stay busy. Understand the fact that being busy doesn’t always mean that you are doing something productive. You never know if being stuck with your job is bringing down your creativity. You never know if working in the office till late night is making you miss all the incredible things and opportunities that are waiting outside for you. So, the point is that being busy is good but if you aren’t happy with that “busy” of yours then you are definitely on the wrong track.
3-You’ve given up and are not willing to try anymore
It happens and it’s quite natural to lose the strength to try just because you’ve failed quite a lot of times. But then again, isn’t failure a part of life? Here, I’d like to put a quote from a movie that inspires me a lot, it states, “Never let the fear of striking out, and keep you from playing the game.” You are tired and we do understand that but what if, what if the next time you make a move, you win? People are mostly stuck with their jobs because they think they will keep on failing and won’t ever get a well-paid job that they are happy with.
These are a few things that are becoming hurdle for you when it comes to quitting your job. But the sooner you get out of this stress bubble, the better it will be for you. Just stay constant with your efforts, take risks and keep on striving for change and for excellence in life.

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