3 weird job interview questions and how you can answer them

There are so many types of questions that get thrown your way during job interviews. From casual small talk questions to behavioral questions, job interview questions have a good range. While some employers prefer sticking to the common interview questions we hear all the time, certain employers like to throw the occasional curveball question at their interviewees. Here are three such weird job interview questions according to the internet:

"If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

This is a question that has a lot of potential to reveal facts about your personality to the interviewer. The answer you choose may say a lot about your qualities. So, how can you give a wise answer that scores points for you? Consider the type of job you are interviewing for. If it is a leadership position, you must pick a tree that reflects your strongest leadership strengths. A redwood or sequoia is a great choice. If you are trying out for a creative job, pick a tree such as willow or cheery blossom. If you need to exhibit excellent flexibility skills for the new job, you can choose something like bamboo.

One thing to keep in mind: whichever kind of tree you pick, give solid reasoning to tie it back to the job. Understand the employer’s motive for asking you the question. They don’t simply want to know your favorite kind of tree; they want to know whether you have the right personality for the job.

"If you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

Have you listed “thinking outside the box,” on your resume? Then, your answer to this interview question must be highly creative. This is a great question to gain a quick insight into the personality and problem-solving skills of a candidate. Most people pick a superpower that would fix a problem they have in their personal lives. Prove to the employer that you are different from the crowd by picking a superpower that would fix a problem in your job.

Choosing a power like healing is ideal if you are applying for a healthcare job. It will show the employer how you are passionate about what you do. If you pick a power like super strength, it could indicate to the interviewer that you are more focused on your own success. The power of persuasion is a great answer if you are applying for a sales job. Clearly tie your answer to the job by adding your reasoning. For example, “If I have the superpower of healing, it will help me save more patient lives in the ER.”

"If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?"

This is another question used by employers to lighten the mood of the interview while learning something valuable about your character. This question will reveal a lot about how you see yourself. Do you think of yourself as the heroic main character of a fantasy novel? Or would you pick a supporting character that helps the hero?

Again, when you choose an answer to this question, think of how you can tie it back to the job. If you are applying for a legal job, picking Elle Woods as your character would be a good choice. It will show that you have the intellect needed for the job while still being yourself. If you are applying for a job in marketing, pick a character that viewers love. If your job involves a lot of brain power, Hermione Granger would be a great choice.

By Resume Mansion


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