6 essential skills for a Human Resources Manager resume
Many companies update their HR department in preparation for the new year. If you want to secure a position for yourself as a successful HR Manager, listing the right skills in your resume is necessary. As you are well aware of the hiring practices of the day, you already know how you must optimize your HR Manager resume for the ATS. When you tailor your resume to the job description of the position you apply for, keep in mind to include these fundamental skills that every HR Manager must have.
1. Communication skills
The ability to express yourself clearly in both writing and speech is a necessary skill for an HR Manager. You will be in charge of the recruitment process of the business which involves a lot of interviewing. Also, you have to listen to and solve the problems of multiple employees of the company within a day. HR Managers also develop policy handbooks and memos for the organization. Employers always look for effective communication skills when they hire HR personnel.
2. Organizational skills
As an HR Manager, you will get involved with a lot of tasks within the organization including recruitment, training, performance appraisals, individual development plans, and employee relations. It will simply be impossible to keep track of your responsibilities without having the proper organizational skills. Recruiters consider having organizational skills to be a sign of your productivity and efficiency as an HR Manager.
3. Decision-making skills
HR Managers always have to make tough decisions on the spot. During the recruitment process, you have to decide whom to hire from among a pool of talent. When the company is downsizing, you must decide whom to let go of, based on many factors. The ability to take informed decisions requires a lot of skills such as strategy, experience, and intuition which employers value in an HR Manager.
4. Training and developmental skills
You will be responsible for the training and development of all current employees of the company as well as the new recruits, as the HR Manager. Since the quality of the training program of an organization will affect the future of the business greatly, it is important that you possess knowledge on how to maximize performance and increase value. Recruiters admire these skills in HR Managers as it helps the company grow and prosper.
5. Budgeting skills
The HR department of a business oversees a lot of monetary tasks including employee compensation, benefits packages, training and development, social activities, performance appraisals, etc. As an HR Manager, you will need to possess the skills necessary to strategically plan finances for all departments of the business, considering the functions and projects of each individual department. Employers want to see budgeting skills on the resume of a potential candidate for the HR Manager position.
6. Empathetic skills
Human Resources is all about dealing with the needs and concerns of diverse individuals in a company workforce. A successful HR Manager must possess excellent emotional intelligence and empathetic skills to understand the problems of employees and provide sustainable solutions. From dealing with workplace harassment concerns to salary complaints to conflict resolution, your empathetic skills would be put to the test in your role as an HR Manager. This is why empathetic skills are considered to be vital for a winning HR Manager resume.

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