Are you making these common cover letter mistakes?
Have you ever heard the saying, “It is never too early to make a bad impression”? This is very true when it comes to your cover letter. The smallest mistake at the start of your cover letter will cause the hiring manager to form a negative opinion about you. The cover letter is an integral element of your job application. Some employers even reject job applications that come without a cover letter. Since the cover letter is so important, what type of mistakes must you avoid on this document?
Being too formal or too informal
You need to be professional when you write your cover letter. But that does not mean that you must be overly formal about it. If you are applying for the job through a referral, or if you are familiar with the hiring manager, you can go for a more casual greeting and start with your cover letter. Also, if you are an internal applicant, you should be somewhat informal in your cover letter. Take a dive into the culture and nature of the company before you pen your cover letter. If the company leans more toward casual, you can be less formal.
Having sloppy writing
Whether you know the hiring manager or not, your cover letter must be written professionally. This means you should not have any spelling and grammar mistakes on your cover letter. Also, be mindful of the language you use to construct your cover letter. Strong, compelling language makes a ton of difference to the tone you set with your cover letter.
Using a sample cover letter from the internet
Many job seekers make the mistake of using stock cover letters from the internet. When you are in a rush to apply for a job to make the deadline, using a sample cover letter will seem like a shortcut. However, these sample cover letters are available online, making them accessible to millions of job seekers like you. Any hiring manager who reads your cover letter will notice how it has not been customized for the job.
Sharing too much information
We write cover letters to show employers why we are the perfect fit for their job openings. You only need to share the most necessary information about your career on your cover letter, just like you do on your resume. If you have had a career gap, explain it in a line or two on your cover letter, but avoid going into too much detail. If you want to highlight a job-related skill, you can add a line about your hobbies and interests to your cover letter. However, an entire paragraph dedicated to your volunteer work will not win you any favors with the hiring manager.
Talking only about yourself
One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make on their cover letters is talking only about themselves. While you should emphasize the impressive extent of your skills, experiences, and qualifications on your cover letter, you should also ensure that you do not repeat your entire resume on the document. You should highlight your accomplishments and achievements to emphasize what the employer gets out of hiring you for the position.

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