Boosting your job search: 4 strategies to get better results from Day One
The job market is currently in favor of job seekers, with more job openings than there are candidates. This has the job seeker confidence high for a few months. All around the US, we see employers switching from a five-day workweek to a four-day workweek to attract and retain talent. If you are planning to make a career move, there is no better time than right now.
If your job search strategy so far has been to search for jobs online, apply for them, and wait for good news, you wouldn’t get very far. Since the competition is strong, you need to take other steps to secure a good job. Today, we will discuss four things you can do to get a better job.
Arrange informational interviews
Decisions about your career should not be taken lightly. The more informed you are about the career move you are going to make, the better it will be. If you are planning to make a career shift, the first thing you must do is talk with someone who is already there. Identify a professional who is in your target job title in your target industry and arrange an informational interview with them. If you play your cards right during your meeting, you will walk away with a stellar referral for your new job.
Talk to recruiters
You don’t need to do everything for the job search by yourself. That’s why there are recruitment agencies all over the US. Did you know that a recruiter can connect you with a better opportunity that has higher pay and more benefits? Employers advertise certain important positions with recruiters before they post them anywhere. When you get in touch with a recruiter, be specific about the kind of opportunity you are looking for. You should also get your job search materials updated before working with a recruiter.
Leverage your professional network
The people who get hired faster are the ones who lean on the support of their professional networks before aimlessly applying for jobs. Did you know that mentioning a referral on your cover letter can get you hired faster? That is the power of referrals and recommendations. Talk to your friends, family, and professional connections and let them know that you are on the job hunt. Ask them to point you in the direction of good opportunities. Also, ask a few people from your network to be your professional references.
Follow up
When you do get called back for an interview, face the interview confidently. Answer all of the employer’s questions and ask some good questions of your own. Once you are done with the interview, thank the employer. Following up after your job interview is an important step. The reason why most candidates don’t stick in the employer’s mind is because they don’t follow up. Write a follow-up email and thank the interviewer before 24 hours are up. Follow up with the person who helped you find the opportunity. If you don’t hear anything for a few days, send a polite message again to see the status of your job application.

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