Bring out your achievements on your cover letter
A cover letter is an excellent piece of marketing material that is just as important as your resume. We always talk about highlighting your professional achievements through your resume, but we haven’t really discussed doing the same through your cover letter. Today, the experts of Resume Mansion will show you how you can bring out your achievements through your cover letter.
Why should you talk about your achievements in your cover letter?
Many employers demand a cover letter alongside job applications. A majority of employers even read the cover letter before the resume of a candidate. If you want to make the best first impression on a recruiter or potential employer, you should highlight your most important professional achievements in your cover letter. Your cover letter will give you the opportunity to dive a little deeper into your achievements and show potential employers how you can do the same for their business.
Identify the right achievements for your target job title
Not every professional achievement needs to be discussed in detail in your cover letter. You should choose the best and most relevant achievements for your target job title. Depending on your experience and career level, the type of achievements that go in your cover letter will be different. Here’s a simple guide to selecting the best achievements for your cover letter:
For executive professionals
Choose achievements that highlight business impact. These can be instances where you contributed to your company’s profitability, market expansion, or growth. You should also mention a few achievements that highlight your leadership and team management. Emphasize your achievements that involve team building and team projects. If you have any industry recognition, that too must go in your cover letter. Highlight any industry awards, thought leadership articles, or speaking engagements that establish you as an expert in your field.
For career changers
When writing a career change cover letter, you will need to lean on achievements that highlight your transferable skills. Use achievements that highlight skills you have developed in your previous career that are applicable to the new role. Have you achieved notable results while engaging in volunteer work or side projects? These achievements are great additions to your career change cover letter. If you have any certifications, training, or licenses that are important for your target industry, you can include them in your cover letter as well.
For recent college graduates
If you are writing a cover letter as a recent college grad, your cover letter should bring out your academic achievements. Highlight any awards you have won for academic excellence, dean’s list, scholarships, or making a high GPA. Your internships and projects that are related to the target industry will also add value to your cover letter. If you have held leadership positions in student organizations and clubs during college, highlight what you have achieved through the institutions within your reigning years.
For mid-career professionals
Are you applying for a new job within your industry? Then, potential employers will be the most interested in learning about your performance metrics in past roles. Highlight how you have contributed to the revenue growth, productivity hikes, or cost savings of previous employers. Lead your cover letter with achievements involving projects where you showed initiative and achieved exceptional results. You should also include your certifications, training, licenses, and awards on your cover letter to impress recruiters.
Are you unsure whether your cover letter highlights your best professional or academic achievements? The resume writing professionals at Resume Mansion can help you make a great impact with your cover letter. Visit www.resumemansion.com today and get your winning cover letter!

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