Do a SWOT analysis to prepare for your next interview
Do you have a big interview coming up? Are you a little bit nervous about the questions you might get asked during the interview? Then, this is just the article for you! Did you know that a SWOT analysis can help you predict some interview questions you will get asked?
SWOT is a business planning term that pops up a lot when studying executive planning. It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. But this simple term can help you a lot during interview prep as well as your job search.
First, you need to have a copy of the job description with you. You should also grab a copy of your resume and a highlighter.
Read the job description and spot the elements on it about which you can confidently say, “Yes, I can do that.” These will be a collection of skills, experiences, knowledge, certificates, licenses, and other qualifications. Highlight each of these items on the job description. Next, take a look at your resume. Have you mentioned solid examples on your resume that prove you have the highlighted skills or qualifications? Keep those in mind. When the interviewer questions you on your strengths, these examples will come in handy.
The job description will mention a bunch of qualifications that you don’t possess. These are your weaknesses. Your weaknesses show the employer that there is a skills gap between you and their expectations. If you lack certain experiences that the employer has asked for in the job description, it will create a concern for your interviewer. When you prepare for the interview, be sure to put together a speech to address your weaknesses. You can mention how you are taking an online course to develop the necessary skills.
This is an important aspect of your interview prep. Opportunities are the ways in which you can assure the interviewer that your weaknesses won’t affect your performance in the role. If you lack certain skills that are necessary for the job, you can mention how you are planning to come up to speed quickly with additional training. If the employer is demanding familiarity with a certain software, but you lack the experience, talk about how you are quite familiar with a similar software. Also, highlight your quick learning skills through a solid example to assure the interviewer that you can learn what’s required within a short period.
You are one of the hundreds of applicants competing for the job. In fact, you will likely be sitting in a room full of competitors while you wait for the interview to start. Some of them will have more years of experience in the industry than you and others will bring extra skills to the table. To counter these threats, you will need to highlight your unique qualifications and skillset to the interviewer. If you have a Master’s degree when most of the competition holds only a bachelor’s, be sure to highlight your excellent achievements during the interview.

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