What Employers Look For in Job Candidates

Employers tell us the top traits they look for in a candidate

The qualifications listed in the job description aren’t the only things employers look out for when hiring new professionals to their teams. While skills and experience are important aspects, employers prefer to hire individuals with certain attributes that they are looking for.

We talked to seven employers from healthcare, tech, and finance to investigate the kind of qualities they expect from an ideal candidate, and here’s what we found out:


Whether you apply for a finance, healthcare, or corporate job, integrity will always be a quality employers admire. Integrity helps businesses build trust, both with their employees and clients. Lack of integrity costs employers billions of dollars yearly, from employees who underperform on purpose to those who steal office resources.


If you are applying for a leadership position, this is a personality trait that you must exhibit. Good leaders can motivate their teams to achieve daily goals. A Motivated employee will constantly work toward improving themselves and their team. You can show potential employers that you are a motivated professional by highlighting your commitment to continuing education throughout your career.


Are you an individual who always focuses on the bright side of things? Many employers are on the lookout for optimistic candidates who can uplift and maintain the morale of their teams. During crises and challenges, optimistic team members keep their groups functioning without a misstep. If you are attending an interview, try not to complain about things or get overwhelmed by the pressure to show the employer that you are an optimistic individual.


Maturity is a personality trait that you simply cannot fake. Maturity comes with age and experience. Mature employees are less likely to leave an employer high and dry when they find better opportunities elsewhere. They lower the risk of bad office relations and generally contribute to creating a better working environment and culture.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is not just another buzzword that you put down on a resume to appeal to employers. Your emotional intelligence allows you to understand and manage your own emotions healthily. Emotionally intelligent employees are an asset to the workplace. Showcase your EQ on your resume by highlighting how you have stepped in to help coworkers during difficult times on your resume.


Ambitious employees tend to grow in their careers. Employers like candidates who show ambition because they have a lot of potential for growth and development. You can show employers that you have ambition by highlighting your career progression on your resume. During an interview, an employer can gauge your ambition when they ask you about your five-year plan.

Not sure how to bring out these traits through your resume? Visit www.resumemansion.com and start working with a certified professional resume writer today.

By Resume Mansion


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