Five benefits of writing a cover letter for your job application
Do you want to show a potential employer that you are very much interested in their company? Then, the best thing you can do is write a catchy cover letter. Many candidates forego the cover letter and only send in a resume with their job application. This is a mistake because a majority of hiring managers prefer to read the cover letter first before they get to the resume.
Taking an extra thirty minutes to craft a compelling cover letter will get you miles ahead of the other candidates in the race. Here are five benefits of writing a cover letter for your job application:
The employer will see that you do not shy away from putting in extra work
Every job applicant will send a resume, but only the applicants who are genuinely excited about working for a particular employer will write a cover letter. When you attach a cover letter to your job application, you show the recruiter that you are willing to put in extra work. This will tell them lot about your work ethic. Since you are taking the time to write a cover letter, try to make it as special as you can. Ask someone from your professional network to provide a referral for you. Did you know that mentioning a referral in your cover letter will increase your chances of getting hired?
You get to add an individualized touch to your application
Your resume is quite a factual document, with not much of a chance to express your personality and attitudes through it. Your cover letter is different. You do not have to stay within a tight cage when you write your cover letter. You can inject as much or as little of your personality as you want into your cover letter. This will help the employer see you as a real person instead of just an inked list of achievements on a piece of paper.
The cover letter emphasizes your interest
When you write a cover letter for a job, you are telling the employer that you are willing to put action behind the chance to work with them. You have already shown them how dedicated you are to your goal of working with their company. Let your cover letter speak about how your personal values and interests resonate perfectly with the business values of the employer. Tell the employer why they must hire you for the job and explain why you are the perfect fit for the business.
It shows that you have done your homework
Writing a cover letter involves a significant amount of research on your part. You will be educating yourself on the company’s history, their vision, their mission, and their values. You will be tuning into the company news and reading up on the latest innovation projects headed by your employer. Mentioning your knowledge of the employer in your cover letter will show them that you have done your research on the company.
You get to make your voice heard
If you are a great writer who has their way with words, you can write a highly creative cover letter that sparks the hiring manager’s interest in meeting you. A creative cover letter will pique the interest of the reader and hook them into your job application. Before you even know it. The hiring manager will be impressed with your professional achievements and want to meet you.

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