Four things you can do for a stress-free job search

Job searching is an exciting adventure. Different professionals enter a job search for varying reasons. Some are trying to get away from a career they don’t like while others are finding their way into a career they love. There are others who are desperate to find a job because they were laid off. College students also abound the mix, looking for their first job opportunity.

Job searching is a time and resource consuming process, which is often stressful. Today, we plan to discuss four actions you can take to have a more organized and stress free job search, wherever you are in your career.

Create a master resume

You cannot have a successful job search without a resume. Your resume is what creates an impressive image of you in the recruiters’ minds. Therefore, your resume has to be top-notch for each of your job applications. The first step for writing a winning resume is to create a master resume template. Your master resume is not a tailored document. It is a comprehensive record of your entire career. Your master resume must contain all of your educational qualifications, professional skills, and work experience. Whenever you apply for a job, you can easily remove items from your master resume to tailor it to the job description.

Leverage your social media

Did you know that over 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary search tool? It is one of the best digital tools you have for your job search. LinkedIn makes it easier for you to find job opportunities, research employers, and connect with recruiters. We have previously discussed how 15 minutes a day on LinkedIn can help your job search. Your other social media too can help you during a job search. If you have social media where you share content related to your industry, you can add links to your social media to your resume.

Save the job descriptions

Your job search is not all about writing resumes and applying for jobs. You must conquer the job interview to get hired. Do you know the one thing that will help you prepare for your job interview? The job description. When you are on a job search, keep an organized track of your activities. Create a folder for each of your job applications. Add your resume, cover letter, and job description for each job to the right folder. When the time comes for a job interview, you will have all the materials you need in hand to give your best interview performance.

Prepare templates for your communications

You will be spending a lot of time contacting and communicating with hiring managers in your job search. Do you plan on writing emails from scratch every time you talk to a hiring manager? Then, your job search is likely to be less efficient. Instead, prepare communication templates in advance. You should create a few email templates to respond to recruiters. Also, you should have a few LinkedIn outreach messages for recruiters, hiring managers, employers, and other professionals. Don’t forget to create a follow-up messaging template as well as a thank you email template!

By Resume Mansion


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