Getting your resume past the seven-second filter

Hiring managers typically spend a brief period scanning a resume, most of the time not exceeding seven seconds. If you really want to be called for an interview, seven seconds is all you have to impress the hiring manager. Your resume has to get a few things perfect for you to make a strong first impression within this time frame. So, how can you do it?

Create a good summary

A good summary statement sets the tone for the entire resume. Round up your best professional achievements related to the job and your most impressive skills in your summary. Keep your summary between 2-4 sentences and use active language. A compelling resume summary draws readers in.

Prioritize the information

Not every detail about your career will be of equal importance to an employer. Use the job description to guide you to set a priority order for your accomplishments. When describing each work experience, mention the most relevant accomplishments first, followed by the rest. Do the same when listing skills on your resume. Mention your most impressive skills first.

Make good font choices

The fonts you choose will affect the readability of your resume. Fancy fonts with curls will make your resume difficult to read, and narrow, condensed fonts will make your resume look empty. Choose a professional font that is eligible at even smaller sizes. Use font sizes between 10 and 12 pt for your regular text. You can use bigger sizes for headings and your name.

Create a clear layout

Do your resume section headings pop out easily? Then, you have done a good job at differentiating between resume sections. If you have trouble spotting the resume sections immediately, you need to address the issue. Use a larger text size for your resume section headings.

Quantify achievements

Numbers give your resume more credibility. Your achievements are a few times more attractive when you describe them in association with quantified results. Use numbers, percentages, and metrics to quantify the results of your accomplishments. Use active language to describe your achievements on your resume.

Remove the unnecessary info

Does your resume mention a bunch of old jobs that are not relevant to the job you are applying for? Then, you need to remove those right away. The aim of writing a resume is to ensure that an employer spots the best related qualifications at a glance. Crowding your resume with unnecessary details will make this difficult. Unnecessary personal information, unrelated jobs, and outdated skills must all be removed from your resume.

Proofread the document

This step goes without saying. You should ensure that your resume is free of all errors before you send it out. This will require a few rounds of proofreading. Manually proofread your resume for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and formatting mishaps. You can also get a printout of your resume to spot errors easily. A colleague or a friend can provide a fresh perspective of your resume as well.

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