Having Trouble Getting A New Job Try These Tips To Revamp Your Resume And Land Yourself More Interviews
Many employees do not update their resumes every few months as they make new accomplishments. As a result, a majority of workers have outdated resumes.
Everyone thinks there’s nothing wrong with having an outdated resume if you do not plan to apply for a new job. However, opportunities tend to come unnotified, and oftentimes with tight deadlines. What happens if you hear about an amazing job posting with only hours to spare before the closing time for applications?
You have not touched your resume for years. You sure don’t have time to do it now, before the deadline. You feel demotivated and already defeated, before even entering the competition.
If you have ever been in this situation, you should read this article to learn how you can easily transform your old resume into an updated, functional version that reflects your best qualities and achievements.
1.Understand the true purpose of your resume
Your resume is the most important professional document of your job application. Alongside your cover letter, the resume must make a compelling case as to why you are the best candidate for the position advertised. Most of the time when you apply for a job, your resume will be fed to an ATS. If you manage to get through, a hiring manager will read it. Hence, the purpose of your resume will be to impress both the bot and a human reader.
2.Make your resume an appealing read for a human reader
Every resume writing advice page on the internet tells you to jampack your resume with the right keywords to score higher on the ATS. What most people forget is that your resume must be attractive to a hiring manager and HR team, if you want to get called for an interview. Formatting your resume to only suit the needs of the ATS will be quite detrimental to your job search. Therefore, you should take care to format your resume to be attractive to a human reader as well.
3.Be as specific as possible when you write your resume
Sending in a general resume for a job application was the norm before ATSs came into play. Today, sending in a non-tailored resume for a job application is like hitting the brakes on your job search. Always try to write a targeted resume to suit the job for which you are applying.
4.Impress the ATS with your resume
Write your resume with the ATS in your mind. Run a simple google search to find out a full list of formatting compatible with ATSs. Usually, staying clear of infographics, graphics, tables, and text boxes work to your advantage. ATSs cannot parse text placed in headers or footers. They also can’t read the text in images, tables, and text boxes. Certain ATSs read PDFs well, but ATSs, in general, are more inclined towards Doc files.
5.Use color sparingly to draw the eye of the recruiter
Unless you are applying for a pretty creative job title, employers prefer to receive resumes without a lot of colors. But this doesn’t mean you should stick to a boring black and white format. You can use splashes of color to make a design statement. Want to go the extra mile? Try using the company’s theme colors for your resume.
6.Use social media to your advantage
If you have a well-manicured online presence, don’t let it go to waste. Add a link to your LinkedIn profile or other related social media. If you are applying for a creative position, a link to your vlog on YouTube will make a good impression on the reader of your resume.
7.There’s no need to keep every single detail of your career on your resume
If you have been working for 15+ years, you may have accumulated years of worthy accomplishments. However, you don’t have to list every single one of them on your resume. Some employers tend to be biased about older applicants and may even ask ATSs to reject applicants over a certain age. The best way to avoid this is by omitting irrelevant information dating back more than 15 years.
8.Review the job description before you start typing away at your resume
The job description will tell you everything you need to know about the employer’s expectations of the ideal candidate. Read it thoroughly and identify the crucial bits of information. Highlight the keywords and make sure to use them in writing your resume. You can even recognize where the recruiter gives priority. This will then help you organize your resume.

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