How to uncover your personal brand for your resume
Personal brand resumes are the new black in the 2023 job market. If your resume shows potential employers the unique value that you have to propose, there is a higher chance that you will get hired. You might think to yourself, “Well, there’s no time for me to create a personal brand. The application closes in five days.” That’s how most job seekers think.
But your personal brand is already there. You have created a brand for yourself through years of working in your industry. Today, we will tell you how to uncover the personal brand that you already have and bring it out on your resume.
First, we will start making lists
We are going to make two lists as our first step. The first one is a list of the qualities, skills, and talents you have in common with your peers. This is the easiest step to uncover your personal brand. The second is a list of the reasons why you stand out from your peers. Do you have a certification that your peers do not? Have you volunteered across the globe?
Then, we will start looking at the foundation of your personal brand
Your personal brand is based on four foundational concepts. Once you determine these pieces, you will be four steps closer to uncovering your personal brand. Here’s what you need to figure out:
- Vision – Find your vision as your first step. Is there a particular company you want to work for, or a particular role that you are targeting?
- Values – Evaluating your career values is important when you make career choices. What values do you seek in an ideal employer?
- Purpose – What is the purpose of your career? Do you want to be satisfied in what you do? If so, what makes you satisfied and fulfilled with the work you do?
- Passions – Passion is very important when you choose your career path. Find what motivates and drives you. What do you think will make you forget that you are doing a job?
Next, we will find your unique value
Every person adds a unique value to their company. You must find and emphasize your unique value on your resume to impress recruiters. What makes you unique? If you are having trouble determining the qualities, talents, and skills that make you unique, text five of your friends and ask them to describe you in five words. When you go through the answers, you will spot how some words tend to repeat. You will also see a theme emerge. This will help you determine your unique value. You can also look at the recommendations you have received over the years and the outcomes of your performance reviews. All of these will tell you what you do best.
Finally, we will gather some career stories for your resume
Now that you have figured out the unique value you add to your team, it is time for us to consider how to bring out your personal brand on the resume. Career stories are the best way to highlight your personal brand on a resume. Refer to the employer’s job description to identify the skills, qualities, and experiences that they require. Find a few career stories that relate to those elements. Bring them to life on your resume using STAR bullet points.

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