How to woo a new career with your resume and cover letter

Switching careers. How that two-word sentence gives you a rush of adrenaline when you think about it! Changing careers or industries in the present economy feels like a high-stakes gamble. You may end up with the job of your dreams at the end of your job hunt, or you may find yourself in a worse situation after three months of endless trying. However, we have just the right tips to guide you in crafting a resume and cover letter that will make every hiring manager want to meet you!

Step 1: You will need to channel your inner Chameleon for this

Ever seen how fast a Chameleon adapts to its new environment? It is time for you to do the same now. Before you commit to any big changes in your career, start doing things that will help you adapt to your new situation. This will require quite a few hours spent on the internet researching your target industry. You will need to note things like the industry-specific language and skills that you can incorporate into your job-searching materials.

Step 2: Breath life into your wingman ā€“ the cover letter

Your cover letter will be the wingman who sells you to the right employer in your job search. And we all know the qualities of the ultimate wingman ā€“ charming, attractive, and persuasive. Your cover letter needs to be all that and a little more. Add a little personal touch to your cover letter by sharing a unique experience youā€™ve had. We donā€™t mean things like swimming with sharks that donā€™t relate to the job. Instead, highlight your transferrable skills using the story of how you organized a fundraiser that made money rain.

Step 3: Put your best foot forward with a killer resume

Great! The hiring manager has just read your resume and is dying to know what talents you bring to the table. Imagine their shock if your resume is not up to standard. Your career-changing journey will die before it even properly starts if your resume doesnā€™t sell you like crazy. Say goodbye to your old resume format from 2010 and choose an attractive modern resume design.

And then, try to think of as many transferable skills as possible. Did you plan and execute training programs for the whole office in your previous role? Then, thatā€™s a project management skill that deserves a special place in your resume. Crafting a killer resume is all about narrating your past work experience in a way that aligns with your new role. Jazz up your boring bullet points and compel the hiring manager to read your resume whole.

Step 4: Let your network know that your job hunt is on

The best way to forge your way toward success in a new industry is to work on strengthening your network. The friends, family, coworkers, and former colleagues in your network can set you up with multiple job opportunities if only you let them know that you are searching for a job. Donā€™t just stop by texting your friends, ā€œNeed a new job, ASAP.ā€ Attend networking events, job fairs, and conferences and seek mentorship.

Step 5: The one where you rock the interview

Well done! You caught the eye of the hiring manager with your exquisite resume and compelling cover letter! They just called you for an interview pronto. All thereā€™s left to do? Make them speechless with your skills in the job interview. Approach the interview with confidence because you have already finished the hardest part of the job search battle. Be professional and be yourself. Prepare for common interview questions before you walk in the door. Ask meaningful questions after the interview to show your intelligence and interest in the role. Before you even know it, you will have a great job in the bag!

By Resume Mansion


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