How to write a cover letter and get the job
A good cover letter is an essential element of the job application procedure, which is neglected by a lot of people. A well-written cover letter can impress potential employers and also makes you stand out amongst a crowd of job seekers. 98% of the job applications are submitted without a cover letter or with poorly written ones. Thus, a great cover letter enhances your chances of landing the job that you wish to.
Before you decide to write a cover letter, make sure that you know how to write one. A poorly written one can ruin your chances of bagging a job anywhere. Thus, it is always best to learn how to write it and then proofread it as many times as you can.
You might ask what a cover letter is? It is a document (mostly one-paged), which expresses your confidence about you being the best candidate for the job position that you are applying for. It is attached to your CV. It must focus on three core elements:
● Highlighting your relevant experience (if you have any)
● Portray familiarity with the goals of the company
● Showcase a little bit of your personality
Essentials of a Cover Letter:
Here is a quick breakdown of what needs to be in a cover letter.
● Contact Data:
The first thing to include in a cover letter is your contact information, along with the contact data of the company that you are applying in.
● Salutation:
Addressing the recruiter professionally is very important. "To whom it may concern" is not the right way to address the hiring manager.
● Introduction:
The introductory paragraph should be eye-catching and must have the ability to magnetize the recruiter. Writing complex language won't buy the deal. Be professional yet straightforward to get the intro paragraph correct.
● Call to Action:
To make your cover letter the best, you must let the hiring manager know that you are readily accessible for the position or interview. But don't sound desperate; being professional is the key.
● Signing off:
Closing the cover letter with Best Regards or Regards is the best way, along with your name.
Length of the cover letter:
Ideally, a cover letter is supposed to be a one-page document. You don't need to get stuck in the complexities of paragraphs and word limits. Make sure that your foremost priority is the content. It should be well-written. You are trying to market a recruiter, who is busy going through tons of resumes and cover letters. Putting it simply-writing too much is a killer. You need to be precise. The best word limit for a cover letter is 200-300 words, and it is always best to stick to 200. Dividing it into 3-4 small paragraphs is going to make it look cleaner and professional. Whatever you do, do not exceed one page. A cover letter is supposed to be a one-page document; so better keep it that way.
A lot of people are now attaching their cover letters along with their CV as they have started to realize the vast difference that it makes. A cover letter is compelling and portrays you as a professional person. Therefore, invest a little time in writing a good cover letter. Also, make sure that you've proofread it five times (at minimum), to ensure that it is free of errors.

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