Is your resume scaring away recruiters?
When you are searching for the perfect opportunity, your resume should reflect your best professional attributes. But what if your resume becomes your biggest enemy in the job market because of a few mistakes you made? A subpar resume can easily get you rejected from all the jobs you apply for. Remove these things from your resume right away to stop scaring away potential employers:
Pictures, photographs, and charts
Although these elements may make your resume look interesting, they will significantly affect the ATS-compatibility of the document. If you have included multiple graphical elements in your resume, your resume may no longer be ATS-friendly. A professional headshot is considered unnecessary on resumes in the US. However, if you are applying for a job in Asia, a headshot is a must on your resume.
Full address
It is not necessary for applicants to list their full address on their resumes because employers no longer use snail mail to contact candidates. Simply listing your city and state on your resume is enough for a job application. Some employers may use the zip code to filter applicants based on how far away they are, so be mindful of the location listed on your resume when applying for far-away jobs.
Personal details
Personal information should have no place on your resume. If you have mentioned things such as your date of birth, age, religion, sexual orientation, civil status, or social security number, you should remove them right away. Adding personal information to your resume can easily get you discriminated against during the hiring process.
Older jobs
Your resume should only mention the most recent 10-15 years of your career. This is due to a number of reasons. Describing older jobs on the document will have you talking about skills and technologies that are no longer relevant, giving your resume an outdated aura. Also, older dates in your resume indicate that you are an older professional, exposing you to ageism in the hiring process.
Irrelevant information
Have you mentioned skills that are not relevant to the job you are applying for on your resume? Does the work experience section of your resume mention quite a few unrelated jobs? This will give your resume a generic appearance. Streamline your resume and tailor it to the job description by removing unrelated and unnecessary information from the document.
Industrial jargon
If you use terms, acronyms, abbreviations, or job titles that are specific to a past industry you worked for on your resume, a hiring manager from a different industry will not be able to understand them. Try to keep industrial jargon to a minimum when you create a resume. The same goes for any buzzwords that are not universal.
Earlier dates
Does your resume tell potential employers that you graduated from college in 1884? Earlier dates on your resume tell potential employers how old you are, which can become an issue when you are an older professional. Remove all dates older than the last 10-15 years. If you want to discuss an earlier job, create a dedicated “Early Experience” section for your resume and describe your role without mentioning dates.
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