Resume Mansions 17 Best Pieces Of Advice For A Career Boost
No one ever tells you that climbing up the next rung of the career ladder is as hard as it gets. When you have just started in a trainee position, you are filled with paralyzing doubt about not getting a permanent position. If you are working in an assistant position, your mind might be filled up with doubts about not managing to climb up higher.
Whatever place you are in your career, we have some amazing pieces of advice to help you get through those dark mists of doubts. Read on to find out how you can be the best version of yourself at work and produce amazing results:
1.Step out of your comfort zone
You are quite familiar with the scope of your current projects and tasks. But when it comes to expanding your career, you may have to try out totally new things. If you want to branch out into a different role, you may have to take on some novel experiences head-on.
2.Set yourself some achievable goals
It’s a good thing to dream high, but not when it comes to setting goals. Setting realistic goals that you can achieve will make you feel good in the long run.
3.Never stop learning
Your skills and expertise will only develop as long as you keep learning new things. Devote a little time every day to learn a new skill that can help you shine in the workplace. It can be something technical or something as simple as developing a new soft skill.
4.Don’t go to work at the last minute
Showing up early to work is a sign of your eagerness. Besides, turning up at work 15 minutes every single day is not going to paint a pretty picture of yourself in your manager’s eyes. When you sit behind your desk a few minutes earlier, you have enough time to get settled in and plan out your workday.
5.Be prepared to face inconveniences
Getting frustrated at work is nothing new for a lot of us. Jobs, like many other things in our lives, can inconvenience us at the worst times possible. But a good employee will be able to hold their head up through troubled times and turn up a good piece of work.
6.Seek feedback from your manager
Turning in a 10-page report that you’ve been working on for days? Reach out to your manager for feedback on your work. When someone criticizes your work, you get to learn a lot about how to do things right. Your supervisor may even have some handy tips to help you do a better job the next time.
7.Be dependable
Instead of delivering empty promises, step your game up and be a dependable person. This helps your superiors trust you more and recognize your capacity to bear responsibilities. In the end, this will be your ticket to getting recommended for that promotion you’ve been eyeing for quite a while.
8.Actively participate in meetings
Share your ideas and concerns during meetings. You are invited to a meeting because your input is of value to the employer. So, don’t just sit there sipping the complimentary coffee. Voice your thoughts about the new project the company is taking on or state your objection to the new operational plan.
9.Give every person you meet at work time to get to know you
Most new job opportunities are introduced to people by the individuals in their professional network. So, don’t hesitate to invest some of your time and energy in building good relationships with the people at work.
10.Find yourself someone to show the tricks of the trade
Finding a mentor and being a mentor to someone are two remarkable things you can do for your career advancement. A good mentor will guide you in the right direction at work and show you ways of improving yourself. When you are sufficiently experienced, you can pass along all of this knowledge to the next newbie by playing mentor.
11.Keep those energy levels up
Many people struggle with perseverance when their ideas keep getting turned down. However, you should realize that you can’t become a pro at your job overnight. It may take a few failed tries before you turn out an amazing project to wow your superiors, so don’t let your shoulders droop too soon.
12.Take chances
Sometimes, opportunities can seem scary. You can conquer your fears by taking on a challenge that scares you. So, don’t turn down chances because of a momentary weakness of your heart.
13.Present yourself pleasantly for work
Professional attire is necessary for the workplace. Unless your company has a casual dress code, wear the right attire. Personal grooming, body language, and attitude also count towards the way you present yourself during work hours.
14.Curious about something? Ask away
Asking questions is important. If you don’t understand how something works at the company, don’t be afraid to ask about it. Who knows, you may even raise a question that creates awareness of a serious issue in the workplace.
15.Review your career path once a year
It’s easy to fall into the pattern of work over the years. Before you even know it, you may be celebrating your 6th year in the same position. This is only good if you are happy with your career. Taking time to deeply review your career path every year is vital for your career advancement. If you are interested in pursuing something different, you can use this time to compare the salaries of other posts, read up on the benefits, and explore new opportunities.
16.Asking for help is not a sign of weakness
Everyone needs help from time to time. Don’t try to soldier through an extremely difficult task you’ve never done before, just because you don’t want to ask for help. You can save valuable time for yourself and the company by asking a coworker to share their insights on the task at hand.
17.Do something you are passionate about
Your job doesn’t have to be just a source of income. You can choose to work for a cause you believe in or choose a field that you enjoy working for. Keep searching for that one job that makes you forget that you are doing a job and instead feels like something you do for leisure.

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