Resume tips to keep your job application from being passed over
There are many things that you must get right when creating the perfect resume: the content, the tone, the language—the list goes on. Your resume must show potential employers that you have all the qualifications they require and that you are the best person for the job.
But can a resume really do that? The answer is yes. We have helped countless professionals do the same thing and pave their way to their dream jobs. Today, we will share some of our best resume secrets to help you prevent your job application from getting passed over by recruiters.
Check the ATS compatibility of your resume
It doesn’t matter how cool your resume looks if it can’t pass the ATS test. A large percentage of mid- and large-scale employers use ATSs today to filter candidates during hiring. Your resume must follow a set of guidelines for the ATS to be able to parse it. Here’s an article explaining how to create an ATS-friendly resume.
Keywords on the resume will help you a lot
A resume must have all the right keywords at the right frequency to get noticed by the ATS. If you haven’t used keywords from the job description in your resume, it will fail in the job hunt. A keyword-rich resume will always be noticed. Always tailor your resume to the job description using keywords from the job posting.
Brag about your wins
Your resume is your initial sales pitch to the hiring manager. If you don’t sell your skills to them, they probably won’t buy. Always emphasize your biggest achievements in your resume summary. You can divert the employer’s attention to your accomplishments by creating a separate achievements section for your resume.
Remove jargon from your resume
Buzzwords and jargon do not belong on a resume. Whenever you describe your experience on a resume, you must be careful not to use buzzwords. These don’t really add any value to your resume; they just act as fluff words. Instead, use strong adjectives and keywords to describe your experience.
Write a cover letter to go with your resume
A resume alone is not enough for modern job applications. Sending a matching cover letter along with your resume increases your chances of getting hired. When you create your cover letter, ensure that you use the same keywords from your resume and that you emphasize your highest accomplishments.
Add a personal touch to your resume
Would a hiring manager immediately notice your resume among a sea of others? Most of the time, the answer is no. Instead of using free resume templates from the internet, create your own MS Word resume template. This will help you experiment with design elements and come up with something unique and fresh.
Honesty is key
Most job applicants embellish their skills and qualifications on their resumes. In fact, 55% of Americans lie on their resumes, as found by a study. But the best strategy when it comes to job applications is to be honest and truthful on your resume.
Proofread, multiple times
Simply writing a resume and finalizing the text colors won’t make it a good resume. You must always proofread your resume and every other document that you attach with the job application before you send them out. A mistake on your resume or KSA document could cost you the job.
Submit your resume for a review
The best way to ensure that your resume is up to industrial standard is to ask an expert. Submit your resume to Resume Mansion, where our international industry experts and certified professional resume writers will provide a free resume critique for you.

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13 resume tips to get recruiters calling you